Friday, November 29, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Portraits of unrelated Doppelgangers who have found their match!

Fascinated with the idea that two totally unrelated people can look like twins, photographer Francois Brunelle set out to take portraits of 200 doppelgangers. This beautiful black and white series began when he photographed a pair of friends who looked as though they were identical twins that had been separated at birth. Although most of his photos so far have been taken in North America, Brunelle is now taking his I’m Not a Look-Alike! project around the globe to create a book and international exhibit. He has already been looking for look-alikes in Australia!
On his website, Brunelle explains:
The project is about looking like other people. The fact that two persons, totally unrelated to each other, sometimes born in different countries, share the same physical appearance is really the essence of the project.
Check out more doppelganger portraits and stay tuned as Brunelle approaches his goal of photographing 200 pairs on his website and Facebook. If Sophie Robhemed, the journalist on the hunt for her doppelganger, has met her match, she should reach out to Francois Brunelle for a photo shoot.